

2024-08-05 11:41:30
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Inaugural Launch! ESG Information Disclosure Guideline for Chinese Nonferrous Metals Industry is now in effect.

Recently, China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association (CNIA) has formally approved and publicly launched T/CNIA 0246-2024 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Disclosure Guideline for Nonferrous Metals Enterprises (referred to as the "Guideline"). The Guideline will be formally implemented from September 1st, 2024 onwards. This is a pivotal moment for China's nonferrous metals industry. The introduction of this ESG disclosure guideline marks a crucial step in the pathways toward sustainable development.


"Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets." President Xi Jinping made it clear in the report of the 20th Party Congress that green development and harmonious coexistence between human beings and nature must be promoted. Respecting, adapting to, and protecting nature are intrinsic requirements for building a modern socialist country. To advance the carbon peak and carbon neutrality goal and develop in a high-quality manner, enterprises must practice sustainable development and accelerate green transformation and upgrading. It is therefore crucial for them to disclose environmental, social, and governance (ESG) information. The Guideline is the output of joint efforts by the China Nonferrous Metals ESG Research Center and the Nonferrous Metals Technology and Economy Research Institute, with input from leading enterprises and relevant organizations in the industry. This Guideline will standardize ESG disclosure behavior among nonferrous metal enterprises, improve transparency and responsibility awareness within the industry, and promote sustainable development.

1. Objectives and Principles of ESG Information Disclosure

The Guideline clearly states the objective of ESG information disclosure: to improve the performance of enterprises in environmental protection, social responsibility, and governance through transparent information disclosure. Information disclosure must adhere to the principles of materiality, credibility, timeliness, understandability, and comparability.

2. Basis of ESG Information Disclosure

Enterprises are expected to consider their reality when formulating the content of ESG disclosure, scientifically select sustainability topics, and formulate practicable sustainable development plans. The Guideline provides detailed guidance on this. The Guideline comprehensively integrates advanced standards from home and abroad, taking risk management concepts as the core and formulating an integrated process of "governance - assessment - planning" for selecting issues. This enables enterprises to integrate corporate risk management with ESG disclosure. The Guideline has developed an integrated "governance - assessment - planning" mechanism centered on the concept of risk management. This process enables enterprises to combine enterprise risk management with ESG information disclosure, aligning sustainability governance with enterprise strategic planning. It also saves resources and time costs, while ensuring the quality of information disclosure.

3. Requirements on ESG Reports

These include the structure, scope, topic selection, and KPIs that must be included. The Guideline provides detailed guidance on quantitative and qualitative data management. Companies must disclose quantitative data, such as emissions and resource consumption, and qualitative data, such as management measures and policy implementation. This ensures a comprehensive reflection of the company's ESG performance. The Guideline provides comprehensive guidance on data management and quality assurance to guarantee the completeness, accuracy, and traceability of disclosed data.

4. Data and Information Management

The Guideline proposes a mechanism for amendments to information disclosure and feedback to ensure continuous improvement. Enterprises must continuously improve their ESG information disclosure work according to the actual situation. Given the unique nature of ESG information and its qualitative descriptions, traditional audit assurance is inadequate for providing comprehensive credibility support for ESG information disclosure. The Guideline therefore goes beyond the audit assurance recommended by the Exchange Guideline. They also pioneered the introduction of expert verification and retention of drafts as a means of enhancing credibility.

Utmost Significance of the Guideline

The Guideline provides nonferrous metals enterprises with a concrete operational framework for ESG information disclosure, establishing a solid foundation for the industry's sustainability reporting system. Standardizing disclosure enhances enterprise transparency and social responsibility, builds stakeholder understanding and trust, and strongly supports the industry's sustainable development.

Against the backdrop of an increasingly complex global market environment, through compliant ESG disclosure, nonferrous metals enterprises can better meet the requirements of the international market and domestic policies, improve international competitiveness and market acceptance, and lay a solid foundation for their global business expansion.

In the future, with the gradual implementation and promotion of the Guideline, the performance of the nonferrous metals industry in environmental protection, social responsibility, and corporate governance will be further enhanced, making positive contributions to the construction of a resource-efficient and environmentally friendly society and the realization of sustainable development.

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