

2023-09-08 06:02:53
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A Good Life Hinges on Diligence

With Diligence, One Does Not Have to Fear about Shortages


Zhu Xi, a great Confucian scholar of the Southern Song Dynasty, once said, “Laziness and selfishness lead to most failures.” Throughout history, the mediocre came to nothing because they were “lazy”. Diligence offsets laziness and mediocre and it holds the key to cultivating self-discipline, managing families, and governing states.


Nothing is difficult if one is diligent. Confucius, a sage, studied theBook of Changes so many times that the leather strips binding the bamboo slips worn out three times; Su Qin of the Warring States period stabbed himself in the thigh with a sharp instrument to prevent falling asleep from long hours of study; Che Yin of the Eastern Jin Dynasty caught fireflies and placed them in a bag to create a makeshift lamp for reading; Kuang Heng of the Western Han Dynasty dug a hole in the wall to make use of his neighbor’s light to read; and Zeng Guofan finally succeeded later in life with consistent diligence. They are all diligent people. Diligence can make up for the lack of intelligence, and one’s talents increase only with more hard work. On the contrary, laziness, slickness, and seeking ease and comfort are “moths” that impede the sound and stable development of a company. They can’t be eradicated easily, and would appear from time to time, eventually leading a company to the abyss of decadence.


Nowadays, with the cut-throat competition in the environmental protection industry, superficiality, trickery, passing the buck, and lazy governance have become more popular, a phenomenon similar to that in the late Qing Dynasty during which Zeng Guofan lived. In the foreseeable future, all the companies that speculate and secure personal gains will fail in a couple of years and become laughing stocks. Only by overcoming the worst of life’s hardships can one rise above the ordinary, and only by being down-to-earth, rejecting hypocrisy and complexities, laying more emphasis on corporate social responsibilities rather than focusing merely on making profits, and striving for perfection with diligence and perseverance in the work, can a company have the situation well in hand and become successful.


The worldly life is full of things that are complicated and hard to fathom. The light emitted by fireflies is not real fire, and the dew gathered on lotus leaves are not real pearls. Only a wise mind can see the nature through the phenomenon. When the Xiang Army or Hunan Army, a standing army organized by statesman and military general Zeng Guofan from existing regional and village militia forces to contain the Taiping Rebellion in Qing China (1850 to 1864), was recruiting, they insisted on using simple and honest people; when they were fighting on the battlefield, they rarely used unexpected strategies to win the battle, instead, they set up a strong base and aimed at a single target. Their approach may seem clumsy, but the achievements they made were truly extraordinary. Now if we look around us at BGE, we can still see people who think they are smart but are slack at work and often try to shirk their own responsibilities. We should stay humble, learn from the ideology and approach of the Xiang Army, eradicate the false while keeping the true, go all out and burn the bridges behind us, abandon bad attitudes, and be fully determined to set up a strong base and aim at a single target, so that we can graduate from being overly cautious to entrenching ourselves at every step to securing more wins.


As an old Chinese saying goes, “Whatever you do, diligence leads to success, while laziness leads to failure”. Human life is short compared to the vast and eternal world. Every minute constitutes part of our life. Fate always favors those who have dreams and are willing to work hard. The most generous investment for the future is to dedicate yourself to the moment you are living in. As successful as Zeng Guofan, he still lamented in his diary that “As an old man, I often regret I was not hard-working enough in my youth”. When someone as accomplished and knowledgeable as Zeng Guofan could say so, what excuses do us ordinary people have to not be introspective? As a company that is doing pretty well, BGE has faced its problems and shortcomings head-on, and published its corporate charter, the first of its kind in the industry. We advocate the idea of eradicating the false while keeping the true, promoting those who are capable and competent, eliminating the mediocre ones and letting the high-performers be the leaders. Only when everyone is working hard and striving to achieve more can a company go forward.


Chinese poet Ouyang Xiu in the Song Dynasty once wrote that “Wealthy places with plentiful grains are tempting, but I aim to fly high as a wild goose”. Guided by our ideal of benefiting the world and the people,everyone at BGE is striving to achieve our goal at work. Difficult as conditions are, one still refuses to give up. One day we will make remarkable achievements just like the proverbial bird mentioned in Chinese traditional poetry who finally flies to thousands of kilometers above the ground by leveraging the force of wind.

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